The Persevering Parrot Children Audiobook by Andrea Rizzo

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Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Part of a buddhist novel project, The Persevering Parrot is a short story for children about the adventures of a little parrot as he learns about tradition and morals. In this project, I voiced the Narrator, the Parrot, Monkeys and one of the old men. All female voices in this project are mine.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Once upon a time there lived a lovely parrot in the forest, its feathers not as bright and colorful as of today, but gray and dull, just like all the animals. The parrots lived in the beautiful forest, free to roam, play and enjoy nature in a carefree lifestyle. Wait, wait, wait! The night falls. The small animals are entering the sweet dreamland. That night, thick clouds covered the moon, and in the distance came the sound of rolling thunder. Suddenly a bright lightning lit across the sky, awakening the sleeping little parrot. The lightning hits a withered old tree with a huge bed accompanied by the bright light. The tree was immediately on fire. Wake up! Everybody follow me to the river quickly. Yeah, the fire burned more and more brighter and stronger, trapping many animals in the depths of the forest. A huge burning branch fell onto the ground, almost hitting the little. No! If the flames keep burning so much, all the animals in the forest will be killed. I must do something. As they got closer to the river they could hear the sound of flowing water as the parrot leads the congregation towards the river. He had an idea. He dived into the river, gets him all of his feathers way, then flew back to the burning forest, flapping his wings and sprinkling the water droplets onto the fire. Let me try again. Little parrot hurriedly flew back to the waterside, wet his feathers and then quickly flew back to the place of fire again, flapping his wings and sprinkling water onto the fire just like that. Over and over and over again until dawn when the parrot still came and went back and forth, tired. Suddenly another burning branch fall down one of the branches falling and nearly hitting the little parrot once again. Don't you dare try and stop me! I will not give up! I must keep going. I have to keep going, persistent, parrot was determined to keep going. The thought, saving everyone the only thing on his mind and now, fully unaware that the gods had been watching him this whole time. The immortal music flutters gently, the white clouds curling into the heavenly palace. Three heavenly gods noticing this diligent small parrots look, oh, this forest fire is really getting big! What is the little power doing? He's not thinking of getting the fire extinguished on his own, Is he? The little guy with his little feather and a few drops of water? This is ridiculous! It's laughable. We should tell him to stop right now and save himself. Okay, I will go and tell him I don't want to see him perish and waste his life. As soon as the God finished speaking, he changed himself into an eagle. The God immediately became a majestic bird and without wasting a moment he quickly flew towards the forest with his big wings in the blink of an eye. The eagle is high up on one of the tree branches. Hey, need a parrot. What are you doing, can't you see? I'm busy trying to put off the fire. You're not talking about that. If you drop of water coming out from your body, are you? You are right. Don't be stupid. This is useless. Give up and run for your life with all due respect. Mr Eagle, thank you for your concern. But your advice is not what I need most right now. What do you need then? I need help. What kind of help you? You can help me by copying me or leave as you wish. But I really must keep going. Ah The eagle was at loss while little parrot continued to fly back and forth from the flames. Mm hmm. The eagle looked at the little gray parrot, his small body in the sea of flames now struggling to even spread out his feathers whilst looking at the tiny creature. The eagle had a change of heart. He was so moved and touched by what was before his eyes. An uncontrollable tear escaped his eye as he flew up into the sky because of the determination of this little parrot. Not even the Gods can hold back silver like tears. Suddenly the most amazing thing happened. The tear of the God turned into the heaviest rainfall. You could imagine the rain was getting heavier and heavier all through the day and through the night until the flames were extinguished. The rain has to put out the fire. Yes, I knew it. I knew it. I knew I could do it. Mhm. And when morning came the rain stopped and raised of golden sun came through leaves again. Crystal clear water droplets were dangling from the leaves, reflecting the gorgeous shade of colors from the rainbow shining above. And that's when three gods came flying down to the forest, brave and climbed parrot. Your confidence and courage deeply touches us. Now in order to let all the people remember that perseverance of yours, we want to give you a supreme reward. Whoa, whoa, whoa! War. Really? What? What is it? Just then the three gods waved together, a rainbow floating down from heaven onto the little parrots. Gray body. Beautiful. They're stunning! So, so beautiful. From then on, the parrot has beautiful multicolored rainbow feathers that shine even brighter in the sun. And from that day everybody lived happily ever after in the beautiful, peaceful forest. Mm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm.