TV Commercial - Real Person, Spokesperson, Relatable, Young Adult

Television Ad


TV/Internet Commercial - Garden Of Life, Women's Probiotic. Narrator, guy-next-door, explainer, authentic, relaxed, articulate.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
being a human is hard, especially if you're a woman who's also having trouble doing that totally normal thing all humans do, but not all of them like to talk about. Are you talking about pooping? Let's just say Garden of Life's doctor formulated women's probiotics help your digestion. So you can be a more regular human. I'm comfortable talking about poop. You can just say poop Plus, did you know that the 40 billion probiotics found in Garden of Life can help support immune system health? Are you poop splaining me right now, Look for Garden of Life, the number one probiotic that helps women number two, and it can even help maintain healthy ph and yeast levels. Are we talking about my ****** now?