Women narrative voice

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the entire time Margo was being interviewed by the girl, what's her name? Maura molly, a complete stranger sitting on the opposite side of the cafe had been taking pictures of her with his phone. Some people tried to be surreptitious, but they rarely succeeded because in addition to being painfully obvious the slump, the awkward angle of the device, the studied casualness of a teenager up to no good Margo, like almost everyone she knew who had a recognizable face had a 6th sense for being spotted even when the person was standing behind her in line or on the sidewalk outside of the restaurant or on the other side of the street, some actors said they felt it as a tingling on the back of the neck or in the tips of their toes. Some Margo knew felt joy. I've been seen, I exist in spite of their complaints. Margo's brand of intuition presented as inexplicable sadness. There she would be grocery shopping, eating in a restaurant, hiking with a friend and she'd feel a wave of gloom and think what's wrong now. It was always a camera, always. And now that there was a camera in virtually everyone's palm, the surveillance felt constant. The existential sadness, a daily battle. What a world when someone wanted to take a picture of her and her glass of lemon water on an ordinary Wednesday morning. In a little cafe on Larchmont, the spaces where she felt safe invisible. We're becoming scarcer and scarcer. And this cafe had been one for nearly all the years. She lived in Los Angeles. One of the reasons she and David had issued the Westside Beverly Hills. The palisades santa Monica was because her neighborhood didn't feel as Hollywood as those other places. And although it was true that she wasn't bothered by trolling TMZ busses full of tourists Yeah, this recent constant intrusion was confounding. That must be so annoying. The girl had said when she noticed Margo angling her chair away from the person, snapping away with his phone. As with every interview, Margot ran what she wanted to say. No more annoying than having to talk to you through her survival filter and came up with the blandest reply. Sure, sometimes it's frustrating, but it comes with the territory and I'm lucky, anyone cares. Light, laugh, shy duck of the face. The guy with the phone had re angled himself right along with her. What would he do with all those photos? Text them to someone? Post them somewhere. Make a shrine. Something more perverted. What a world