The Magic of Hospitality - Video Animation

Profile photo for Russ Carlson
Not Yet Rated


An old man voice that's a mix of \"Antonio Banderas\" meets \"Zorro\" - with just a hint of \"Spooky Eccentric\" thrown in for good measure.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) Spanish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If you have ever visited Grand Villa, ST Pierre and Accurate or Grand Villas Los Cabos, you have surely seen me. If that's not the case, then let me tell you about me. I was created with the sole purpose of being the host during your journey, with the warmth and pure elegance that distinguishes villas resorts, the doors of my home are open to accommodate every visitor and astound them during an incredible show where they are the protagonist. The magic of my act is the service perfect for keeping humanity in each one of us, no matter how great we are. I practiced this art because the real magic is done by the one who gives himself through the assistance of others. That's why I love to tell my guests whenever they arrive that the magic begins here.