Adult Romance

Profile photo for Amanda Stribling
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Why me? She sought an answer. She could hold on to when you could have any one you want. Why me? When I'm so broken, he pulled her close. You see me from the first moment we met. You've seen me. I never knew how powerful that could be until you came into my life. I didn't know I could be free. Her fears refused to subside. What about your family? Your band? What will they think when Spencer Mama deal? Dad is all about the Lord's forgiveness. And the guy's already scared to death of you and your Judy moves. Now you have even more street cred with him. Don't worry. Fate brought us together for a reason. He dumped his heart. Try to believe because life isn't worth living alone. She wished she'd had his confidence. I don't believe in fate. But staring at him, she could no longer deny the truth. Ash Dean had mended the cracks in her heart. He winked. That's a shame. Because fate has bound our lives together. I'm not stopping At six months, ashes smile flashed in the light. I intend to spend the rest of my life on complicating yours. Skye summers. Dean, will you be my wife? I like the sound of that forest called out, impatient showing in his voice. You do going to stand there talking all day. Are you going to get the **** inside? Ash gave her the oddest look. I want to go to Niagara In 50 years. We'll find some young couple foolishly in love and have them help us renew our vows. How does that sound? A single tear slid down her cheek. She didn't need six months or even 50 years. It sounds really could. Then Skye Summers. He looked at her with an expression full of love and conviction for the future. Will you be my wife? There's was a story of insanity, but fate had woven their separate strands together. Insane? Absolutely. But she wouldn't have it any other way. Her decision was made. Yes.