Different videogames



I will talk about the different types of videogames

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm going to talk about the video games. There are a lot of type of video games like sports, very games, weapons have wars on the stuff. The most popular sports video games are like FIFA for football that there is one every here in BA for basketball. And also there's one every year on DH that are the most popular video games off sports. Then we have some big against their these weapons like fortnight that has been very successful. Last year's now it is not, but there are still a lot of people playing it. Also, there is called You See that there is one. I think every year, so it has is also very popular. But, ah, these are all Aah! Off payment instead off four night that is free. This is Ah, very good thing so that everyone can play from it for free with their friends. That and that's a way to have a good time when I know it is rainy or you cannot go out. You can hung out with your friends in forthe night