Natural/Conversational/Believable Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Ave Green
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This features my most recent work including the much sought after \"natural/believable/conversational\" read that is so popular nowadays. Bask in the authentic goodness that is my demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a simple way to make drink. Soon happen. Perfectly crafted whiskey cocktails ready to serve wild lines and JP wise er's Hold it high. Looking for a way to protect your phone from well from U. K Stiff iPhone cases. Air super slim and surrounded by two layers of defensive technology, Milken let you decorate with the precision of an artist and bring up kids who have the precision of a bulldozer. Baking with it could be the project that keeps the kids busy and sipping. It can be the relief when you just need one moment of peace. Were we recycle right? We keep our environment healthy and our wildlife happy. Are you recycling? You can find out at recycle bc dot c A. Food. It's at the center of our table. Part of our stories. It nurtures our lives and and somehow it always taste better when we share it with the ones we love. Okay, holiday to do list gifts for 1,000,000,000. Emma get skate sharpens Oh, find a top hat for the snowman. So while we're at home, let's wind that brain all the way down to neutral and just be at home. Whatever home means to you, we want to keep it safe. Onley insurance all for safety