British Sample

Video Narration


British voiceover that I once did for a client.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
How did you do on your I E L t s exam? I got an overall score of eight. What are you studying all day long for? We may not be together on this court, but the music always makes us return. The world is awash with the idea of self improvement. The figure was 36% Among American parents, international students typically pay full tuition. At American universities. That number drops to only 36%. Among parents in France, only 23% of British parents said they have done the same. The annual accommodation fee for the dorm is ¥2400. Fewer foreign students are coming to the United States. Forex reserves hit four year high. China's Economic Outlook Upgraded Rural Children face obstacles at every stage of development. Now, when rights were not always intended to humiliate this served as a form of sex education. The single exclamation mark is being used not as an intensity marker but as a sincerity marker. German police had close toys with wire card. ExxonMobil loses a proxy fight with green investors. There are 71 military aircraft flew past Tiananmen Square. Rural Children face obstacles at every stage of development