Children's Book - Narration / 3 characters



Narration with characters. Tooth fairy, Child, Mother.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the tooth Fairy took Claire a soft hand and placed something bright in her palm and closed it. This is for you, for taking care of my flower while I was away, she said. Clara opened her palm and saw a golden heart that shone like the sun. It had her name on it. Wow, she muttered to herself. She looked up to thank the tooth Fairy, but the tooth fairy was nowhere in sight. She had disappeared, just like the flower she had placed on the ground. The morning light on Clara's face woke her up. She sat up quickly on the bed. When she remembered her tooth reaching her hand under the pillow, she felt something there. She threw away her pillow to see a beautiful golden heart that shown lying there. This is just what the tooth Fairy gave me, thank you to bury, she said excitedly. Clara ran down the stairs to the kitchen. Mom, Mom, see what the tooth fairy gave me. It's the most beautiful golden heart for taking care of her white flour, she said excitedly. And you know what, Mom, look here. Clara pointed to her teeth from where the tooth fell a new tooth will bloom, which I have to take care of all my life. Just like the white flour. Mom looked at Clara and smiled. She knew Clara had a beautiful dream she wouldn't forget. Yes, Clara, she said, gently planting a kiss on her forehead. Go and keep it safely in your jewelry box.