Crime Fiction Narration



This demo showcases an audiobook narration in the crime fiction genre.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the loneliness on the scream. It didn't seem like Glasgow. There was a mugginess in the air, despite its being a clear night, not a wisp to obscure the moon and stars. Not like last night, when the clothes had rolled in on top of a sunny D like a lid on a pan, holding in the warmth, keeping hot blood on a simmer. It was warm on the street at nine o'clock that morning, and now past 11 it felt as though every molecule of air was drunk and tired. No, it really didn't seem like Glasgow, a toll apart from the guy lying on the deck in the advanced stages of a severe kicking that was as authentically local was Hagar suppers and lung cancer. Gee, I didn't struggle as they hold him out of the van. All the fight had been booted out of him long before that point. He half li and half sat on the ground in a disjointed and blood soaked heap like a big pile of washing