Dramatic Fiction English Narration Scottish Characters



This demo showcases narration of dramatic fiction in Standard British English and character voices in Standard Scottish and Scottish Highland accents

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
many years ago, far away to the west, there lived a young girl with skin so appeal that he called her barn. You milk. Her lips were as red as blood and her eyes is dark. Is the Petes that they used to make fire? Her mother and father did not think of beautiful. However, these are strange and shameful, For she did not play like the other Children in the village. No speakers. They did the often beat her and locked it away in a dark cupboard. Were unknown. Things clipped so many hours Did she spend alone in the darkness that Barnier began to dream of being taken to another world? A kind of world where she might be accepted where she might be loved? Part one. Chapter one, September 18 57. Shrieking split the leaden sky and Audrey looked up to see a host of birds. Their wings ink black against the grey storm Coming D C. They know the winds changing. The man gestured upwards, but his eyes were on Audrey. They feel it long before we can tell. Orgy nodded, but did not reply. But she was too tired now of a conversation. It had already taken them an hour from Kylie Can, and she was wet through with a fine rain and the spray from the sea, Her carpet bag and its contents soaked all around. She heard the monotone of the men singing a Gallic lament as they rode a low, insistent sound like the washing of the waves against the little boat behind her. An old woman in a sudden bonnet was grumbling over her damaged possessions, a bag of meal and a basket of paper roses Apart from the man. The only other passenger was a girl in blue who sat hunched forward at the stern of the boat, her face bone Pel her. I squeezed shut. Her narrow shoulders tense does, though in pain. Audrey watched her, wanting to help but suspecting she wished to be left alone. As it far you've travelled, the man persisted, chewing the tobacco in his cheek from London. She glanced briefly at him and then away three days. It had taken her first the overnight train to Glasgow, then a steamer to open and a boat to Kylie She, who had never travelled alone in her life. The man continued to watch her out of the corner of his eye after a minute or so, he said. At sphere cutoff sky, not much cousin, those that can leave. He pushed back his hat. Strange police for a young lady from London to be visiting this time a year orgy. Look towards the emerald water as it seized into the darkness. She could have given him many reasons. This is the island my mother loved. This is the island where my mother died. I have come here because I needed to get away. I'm expected there, she said. The girl was leaning forward now over the side of the boat, clutching a poor bit of fabric about her shoulders. Orderly watch to see if anyone would offer to help. She, after all, was a stranger, a sauce in all, but no one moved. She forced us, have to rise her body. A king was cold and cramp and moved alongside the girl. She spoke quietly. Can I help? Are you ill? The girl, when she turned to her, seemed startled. Dark eyes shining, Audrey removed a small silver flask from her cloak, uncorked it and held it out. It's brandy and water. It might do you good. That's kind of you, Miss, But new. She spoke with soft highland English already had heard in Oban. Cold water sprayed across the boat as they reached rougher waves and the girls shook violently. Audrey removed her own shore and wrapped it around her thin shoulders. Overheard down blue dress. The girl smiles, Then her lips. Ghost pale. It's just the sea. That's all it is I never like to see.