

Recorded in home studio

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
many of the issues that are examined in modern psychology had been the subject of philosophical debate long before the development of science as we know it today, the very earliest philosophers of ancient Greece sought answers to questions about the world around us on the way we think and behave. Since then, we have wrestled with ideas of consciousness and self, mind and body knowledge and perception how to structure society on how to live a good life. The various branches of science evolved from philosophy, getting momentum from the 16th century onwards until finally exploding into a scientific revolution, which ushered in the age of reason. In the 18th century. While these advances in scientific knowledge answered many of the questions about the world we live in, they were still not capable of explaining the workings of our minds. Science and technology did, however, provide models from which we can start asking the right questions and begin to test theories through the collection off relevant data