Audiobook Sample - Fiction

Profile photo for Bea Flowers
Not Yet Rated


Excerpt from audiobook project. Reading fiction, dialogue and drama.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
On the third day, the count spoke. I could tell it was about sunset because the accordion was playing and the feet of the dancing sailors beat a tattoo overhead. We had no other means of marking the time in the close starkness Below the count, screams had modulated to a low, dull moaning. And this moaning in term seemed to alter quantitatively until it was a moan inwards. These men are not my equals. They have no right to deprive me of my liberty. These adversaries are unfit. For me, it is unjust. No such thing as justice observed the valet with unaccustomed briskness. But the count ignored him. All this time he had been preparing another aeration and he would not be interrupted by all the laws of natural justice. I was preeminent because I the star traveler the erotic conflagration transcend all the laws. Once, before I saw my other, I could have turned this mountain into a volcano. I would have fired these rotten timbers around us with a single sneeze and risen from the fire of Phoenix. Terror of a fire at sea. How the tars brutally trampled each other down. They stab and murder their comrades in the mad tussle for the lifeboat. But the lifeboat was the first to blaze. My tumultuous bowels vomit forth flaming rack, and I did not forget to invite the sharks to dinner. Oh, no. They have formed up around the ship, their dinner table. They wait for their meal to cook. They wait for the involuntary tributes of C boys singularly limbs. But when I opened my mouth to order the plot jour, I found my grammar changed in my mouth. No longer active, passive, he has tampered with my tongue. He has bridled it. I always a shooed the pro Cristian bed of circumstance until he pegged me out on it. The floor was seized with a fit of coughing, but it only lasted a few moments.