Black Cool Deep Expressive Monologue African American Character

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An Artist who is cool and trying to find a way in a program.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. This is the donations line. Right, okay. Well I'm an artist and I'm trying to get a donation. Yes. I have a need for supplies and facilities facilities to create facilities to create. I know, but I see these types of charity drives all the time. I never see them for artists. Oh yeah. It's a serious issue. Why? Oh yeah. Well art is important too. Yeah. What would life be without art? Without music or comedy? What if nothing was funny? What if there is no sculptures or paintings or weird architecture to marvel at? What if Beethoven or Da Vinci or Kanye didn't exist? What if there was no expression and only rules and structure and procedure? What if there was no one to paint and sculpt and design and construct our imagination? What if life was only about answering phones and paying bills and keeping up with who gives a ****? And and and you couldn't feel what if you couldn't feel?