Rapper Product Urban African American Black Product promotion

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Rapper Product Urban African American Black Product promotion commercial

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Some days. I don't want to show up. I don't want to work hard. Don't have the energy had a long day up late. We so I don't want to do this. I can't do this. Not meant for this. I don't have time for this. Tired of hearing your excuses. Show up with volley. Some days I don't want to show up. I don't want to work hard. Don't have the energy had a long day up late week sore. I don't want to do this. I can't do this. Not meant for this. I don't have time for this. Tired of hearing your excuses. Show up with volley. Some days I don't want to show up. I don't want to work hard. I don't have the energy had a long day up. Late week sore. I don't want to do this. I can't do this. Not meant for this. I don't have time for this. Tired of hearing your excuses. Show up with molly