Blue Print Explainer Corporate Elearning training instructor



Blue Print Explainer Corporate e-learning training instructor

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when you imagine your future in one month, three months, six months, what do you see? Chances are you have a generalized idea of where you will be? But the specifics are likely lacking When you're thinking about your health journey and where you will be in 12 weeks. Is it also in specific while setting specific goals, can feel intimidating, doing so actually helps you make more progress. That's why it's important to create a blueprint for your future. The more detailed, the better Start by sitting down and reflecting on your health goals, write down exactly where you want to be in 12 weeks. This will become your blueprint then places somewhere you will see it every day when you're focused on your blueprint, your mind will begin to make subconscious decisions that move you in the direction of the future you're trying to create, listen to where Jessica started and where she is now After her fresh start transformation, she's a completely different person and her blueprint drove her to create that success, Jessica's blueprint made all the difference in her journey. It was clear, detailed and impactful. She also lost over 40 lb. As a result, our minds are powerful. Let your mind believe in your future. You will see your blueprint manifests itself in your decisions when you get off track, it will only be a minor speed bump because your mind is trained to direct you towards your goals, fix your vision and watch the changes happen