Emotional Heartfelt Message

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Emotion Heartfelt Message

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North American (General)


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Join the one million hearts movement. Life is for living, The heart is for love. What will we gain? By raising our collective vibration of love is strength, strengthen knowing we you are not alone. We are the universal experience, which means we are the universal formula for change. And while all people are not the same resilience empowers us to move forward. We are collecting one million hearts through this unconditional love movement, which in essence means forgiveness. We're not focused on what side of love. Through forgiveness you stand on. It's just time to stand. It's time to let it go forgive yourself and or forgive another by joining us. You have the opportunity to raise your own vibration and choose love even for this one moment, no matter who you are, no matter where you come from, no matter what you have done.