Motivation Dedication Inspiration

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Motivation Dedication Inspiration

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think back for a minute to what things were like when you were a kid. Time seems to stand still compared to your now hectic life, you dreamed of becoming a professional athlete, a movie star or the lead singer in the next big band. You had hopes and dreams, you didn't put limits on your imagination, you believed anything was possible. Then something changed as you got older, a job came, you now have bills to pay and maybe a family with kids of your own. The fact is pretty soon you started doing adult things. Maybe even to the point where your life turned into a series of days, just trying to stay afloat with that process of stepping to adulthood and responsibilities of your work. You started to lose your sense of wonder. You started to lose your ability to dream big. Now your time is spent just trying to survive, but that is no way to live right now inside of you is the power to change, grow and become more. You have the power to do or become anything you choose as you listen to these words, You may be tempted to tune out thinking this is just another cliche motivational speech, but keep listening and you will discover something truly powerful. You see every person on this planet has the same amount of time in a day, We all have the same 24 hours, how we choose to invest that time. However, makes all the difference in the world realize that if you want something bad enough to sacrifice your time, energy and money to achieve it, there's nothing you cannot accomplish. It's not about how much money you have or don't have, it's not about your current job or circumstances, it's about heart, it's about finding that drive that grind inside of you to find that sheer raw power hidden deep within each and every one of us to become a better person, the person capable of accomplishing more who is a better leader and contributor to those around them. Your future self can be someone who makes an impact on the world around them. Changing the lives of individuals who cross their path every single day. You can be that person, you can harness the power of that compelling motivational force. You can change and become anything. You choose to become invest each and every minute of the day and things that will build a better you, then you will be unstoppable. If your desire to change grow and become better is strong enough, your success is a shirt why? Because you will make the necessary sacrifices to achieve it. The ability to improve is an integral part of you. You're not stuck where you are, believe in your power to change. Turn your belief into small daily actions that will move you down your life path. Simple choices every day will create change. If you can learn to work ******* yourself than any other aspect of your life, You will see change. You do not have to settle for where you are right now and the person you are today, you could change anything about yourself and your current circumstances. If you strongly believe enough, that you can let your belief propel you forward. You might not see the results quickly, but if you stick with it day after day, week after week, year after year, you'll be astounded at what you can become and the things you can accomplish. But if you stick with it day after day, week after week, year after year, you'll be astounded at what you can become and the things you can accomplish. But if you stick with it day after day, week after week, year after year, you'll be astounded at what you can become and the things you can accomplish.