Beth Stewart E-Learning

Profile photo for Beth Stewart
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E-Learning demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to the Illinois. C. P. A. Certification. E. Learning This module will take approximately 35 minutes to complete in module four, you learned about legal definitions involved in being a C. P. A. In Illinois in this module we will explore your legal responsibilities and reporting requirements under state and federal law, click forward to continue. Well, okay. It may have originally been created to treat the sexist and absurd notion of female hysteria, but thankfully women have taken back the vibrator from victorian era male doctors. That means we get to enjoy all of the pleasurable results of using vibes as long as we know how to use them. Like we said, they can have a lot of snazzy features these days. This tutorial will walk you through the basics. The diagnosis of M. S. Can be further reinforced by para clinical data in the form of increased latency of evoked potentials such as visual evoked potentials and lumbar puncture. With the assessment of unmatched oligarch, llano immunoglobulin, I. G. G. Bands in the cerebral spinal fluid that are seen in up to 90% of M. S. Patients. A phan aka P. That has more recently been established as separate from M. S. Is neuro myelitis optical spectrum disorder. Mr moose likes chocolate ice cream. Count the number of scoops of chocolate ice cream on mr moose's cone. Well done. Mr moose has six scoops. That's a lot of scoops of ice cream. Now let's see how many scoops mrs turtle has on her cone. Do you understand why we are having this conversation. David. Well, yeah but I think this is all a little silly. I mean, I just patted her on the shoulder. Jennifer says it was more than a pat that it was a squeeze and a caress afterwards. Do you see how that could be interpreted as inappropriate workplace conduct? I guess, But I was just being friendly, David. You have been warned about this before. You aren't going to get any more chances.