Health care

Profile photo for Bethelene Hart
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Caring, warm, knowledgeable and trustworthy

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


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Attention everyone on Medicare. Medicare annual enrollment period is now open, and that means new 2021 benefits are now available. Did you know you may now be eligible for new Medicare approved benefits, including dental vision, caring and prescription drug coverage? Just call 800 555 1212 now to see if you qualify. New Medicare benefits may include free eyeglasses, free hearing AIDS, free meal delivery, free prescription drug delivery and much more. You may also qualify for $0 premiums, $0 deductibles and no co pays. You don't get these amazing new Medicare benefits automatically. You must call now to see if you qualify. Just call 805 551212 Now, to make sure you're getting all the new benefits you deserve, there is no obligation to enroll. The call and Medicare benefits review are absolutely free