Confidence with clarity-A documentary

Profile photo for bikram bhusal
Not Yet Rated


In the demo, I have talked about the ways to build unbreakable self-esteem.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
here I am talking about that kind of confidence, which cannot be interrupted by tiny little things. That kind of confidence. Once you started it will continually rise and rise where there is no chance to follow point. It's hard to develop that kind of confidence on DH. So Steam Self Steve refers to how you feel about yourself over how much steam positive regard ourself love you have self confidence, is how you feel about your everyday deeds and can vary from situation to situation. First of all, never do. Their thing with you know will make you feel regret in the future because it will weaken yourself steam every day and everywhere. You should be honest to yourself and to others. Sometimes maybe you lose because of being honest, and you think it's making you weak. But always remember, this honesty is a powerful weapon that only the strongest can hard. So be honest on DH. You see how much you respect yourself