Internal Explainer Video Cuts



Internal Video and instructional videos.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
assessing patient safety and quality of care. 2020 marked a watershed moment for telehealth. In 2019 8% of Americans use telemedicine. In March 2020 according to the CDC, there was a 154% increase in telemedicine visits compared to the previous year. Private claims data from 2020 indicated that telemedicine accounted for 29 billion of medical services. But does telemedicine contribute to patient safety and quality of care? This lesson will explore that question. Vaccines used a national immunization programs are safe and effective if used correctly. However, no vaccine is risk free and adverse reactions can occur after a vaccination. If someone develops a severe allergic reaction immediately after vaccination one that could even become life threatening, it is important to know how to respond immediately. An initial mild allergic reaction can quickly progressed to nflx six and become life threatening, so you will need to be prepared to treat it. In this video. We will show you how to prepare for an epileptic reaction, how to identify the signs and symptoms of nflx six, and how to treat a patient who is having a severe allergic reaction