Voice Samples in English

Profile photo for Nikkita Tarnauskas
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


The demo is a recording of samples of various ads using my voice.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Atlanta and not just because of the temperature, the so called capital of the south is teeming with culture from lively clubs to the amazing restaurant and of course, the vibrant music scene, it's no wonder that Atlanta is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. Would you sacrifice everything for your goals? Would you live out of your car? If it meant one day, you could live out your dream. Tyler Perry did when he was 22 he spent everything he had to produce his biographical musical. I know I've been changed and for the next six years, he endured failure after failure. And so finally, he found an audience for his show, Chickpeas are having a moment in the culinary world. These lovable lagoons are everywhere right now. And for good reason, they're chock full of nutrients like vitamin K Foli and phosphorus. They are high in protein, making them a great substitute for me. And they're delicious too. You can use chickpeas to make pasta soup falafels for everyone's favorite. In order to provide great customer service, you need to listen to your customer if they're having a problem, give them all the time. They need to express their frustration, show empathy. Tell them that if you were in their position, you would be frustrated too. Customers who feel like they're being listened to are more likely to trust you moving forward.