

Bonnie brings a warm and knowledgeable sound to material ranging from tech to medical to automotive and in between, engaging learners across all walks of life.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Are you ready click start? Welcome to the U. C. Davis M. Ri safety training course accidents happen in M. R. I. When pharaoh, magnetic objects are brought into the scanner room and are drawn to the magnet board with great force. Even small objects can damage equipment and injure people. A paper clip for example can travel up to 40 MPH in a 1.5 Tesla environment. Oh hi Jamie. Thanks for stopping by. I want you to know that your department isn't the only one struggling with time management. We're really excited about the positive feedback from the teams about monday dot com. I'd like to roll this out company wide next week so let me know who your priority teams are. Way to go next. Please. Net suite supply chain analytics uses data from procurement, manufacturing and fulfillment to help business leaders improve supply chain logistics. Today we will discuss the four types of analytics that are most commonly used, click the items below to learn more about your vehicle's alignment. Kamber, Kamber is the inward or outward tilt of the top of the tires. When viewed from the front of the vehicle. Castor castor is the forward or rear tilt of the kingpin centerline when viewed from the side of the vehicle to scan a paper receipt in your natwest banking app, select the manage receipts option from your account list, click capture receipts to open your device's camera, then just center your receipt within the guide marks and snap the process of deciding how to fill executive positions at Samsung is known as a internal recruiting? Be succession planning, see long term forecasting or D advanced interviewing, leaving so soon. Was it something I said? Please click save before you leave and remember to come back soon.