Commercial Narration

Profile photo for Baldwin Yen
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This demo demonstrates various energies available for reads: from high energy to educated, poetic, contemporary, inspirational.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at T. Rowe Price. We understand the connections of a complex global economy. It's just one reason to consider are disciplined investment approach. T. Rowe Price Invest with confidence But Bob Evans, the same gutsy go for broke attitude that put a man on the moon, has been brought toe breakfast introducing biscuit balls, an epic biscuit four times larger than normal. There one small step for man and one giant flake, flavor filled biscuit for mankind. Grill the fish season with Chilean Citrus ab The avocado to be lunch dinner something from a place that is itself very much the ocean full of great things. So raise a glass, a beer, perhaps to the ocean. I love the thrill of discovering what's out there and with unlimited data talk, text and song downloads for move. Music Onley Cricket gives me everything I need and Mawr because life's better without. They say they're no heroes anymore, but they're there. They aren't larger than life, just larger than their own lives. Their names aren't famous, but their virtues are. If you're looking for a hero, look around