English and Spanish VO and Character Examples

Profile photo for Brad Roe
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This is a sample of the various voices and characters that I can play including some in Spanish.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) Spanish (Mexico - Northern)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the world out there is harsh, wild and dangerous. Which means you may not want to go it alone. There are mighty fine benefits to a co op strategy of all the times to get a car. You might think now simply sucks big time unless you take advantage of the world's first. No contact, no touch, no pressure, no pain, no sweat, no stress, no spin, no shade, no waiting, no worries. And above all, but but it up. No bugs test drive. My beautiful wife, Elizabeth and I had an amazing life until we unexpectedly spent all our money. Yes. Life is messy. Si La vida's women's soccer. But this will be the greatest experience of our lives. Or perhaps we might need jobs. Where'd it go today? L A las Vegas know the desert. Y'all. It's okay. We all cover up the little blemishes of our lives and that's perfectly normal chime accepts the real whole. You and the perfectly normal things you do with your money. How do you find perspective? Do you go beyond the obvious look into the hearts And minds of those involved when a player has chosen greatness, this is where they come to prove it. Years of sacrifice and hard work. It's all led to this here. The difference between 4.4 and 4.5 could last your entire career. Hey, we got this despite world events trying to push us apart. We're coming together like never before