Monster Mash - Music, Song, Fun, Creepy, Sing, Impressions & Ghouls

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Video Narration


My version, of \"Monster Mash!\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I was working in the lab late one night when my eyes beheld and you re site, my monster from his slab began to rise on suddenly, to my surprise, it wasn't maybe on Wait. Wait tomorrow from my laboratory Castle East Booth Job for my electro. It was a great way way with their families were having fun. Just because guests include Wolf Mask Dracula on his saw. The scene was, well, being a word change back his coffin. Bangers about went out of the crypt kickers they played. It was a graveyard called a little flat. Drax. He was troubled by just one thing. He open the living, said Whatever happened to my booth? It's now Mom's everything's cool drugs a part of the better on my monster mash is a hit of the lad before you with a living in this match was meant to When you get to my door, tell them be Rand. Thank you. Look into the moment on my radio. Smooth school, A Frankenstein Put down my Norman microphone. I want to