New Card- Excerpt from American Psycho

Profile photo for Brenden M Bueler
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New Card is the popular scene from American Psycho featuring an intense voice-over performance by Christian Bale. The following recording is my interpretation of the mannerisms and vocal quality of three actors in within the scene.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
new card? What do you think? Whoa. Very nice. Picked him up from the printer's yesterday. Good coloring. That's bone and the lettering is something called Sicilian braille. That's very nice. Bateman, but that's nothing eggshell. What do you think? It's nice, jesus. Look at that, man. How did a nitwit like you get so tasteful? I can't believe bryce prefers van Patten's card to mine, but just you wait, you ain't seen nothing yet braised lettering, pale nimbus white, impressive. Very nice. Let's see, paul Allen's card. Look at the subtle off white coloring, the tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark.