Progressive Radio Ad

Television Ad


The role of Guy in a Progressive radio ad.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Brendan, Fitzgibbons. Oh man, I was there that time when you bundled your home auto, motorcycle and other vehicles with Progressive, I was like, whoa, did they just save a bunch of money? That was awesome. People were freaking out. I bet you get this all the time, but can you sign this? Maybe it will be worth some money someday. I mean not like the money you save Bundling your home and vehicles with Progressive, but maybe something, it would just be cool to have. Yes, I know, it's my baby, but can you just sign it? Oh man, I was there that time when you bundled your home auto, motorcycle and other vehicles with Progressive. I was like, whoa, did they just save a bunch of money? That was awesome. People were freaking out. I bet you get this all the time, but can you sign this? Maybe it would be worth some money someday. I mean not like the money you save Bundling your home and vehicles with Progressive, but maybe something, it would just be cool to have