Samsung Galaxy S21 Campaign :30, :60

Television Ad


Reel which includes clips from Samsung Galaxy Campaign.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The New Samsung Galaxy S 21. This looks different. It is. Show me just hit record. See that you're filming an 8K. Beyond cinema quality, you can pull photos straight from video. Impressive. But will it last the whole trip? You'll have battery all day and then more. This is different. Told you. This looks different. It is. Show me. Well, see for yourself. Okay, so it's a photo. Look closer. Photos within photos. What about the video? It's 8K video. That's beyond cinema quality K. Okay. What can I do with it? You can pull portrait quality photos straight from video and photo. That's a great photo. Perfect portrait photos within videos. What else? Videos, photos, crops and filters. All in a single take. But is there space for all that? Plenty. How fast can I share it? You're on 5G. But will it last the whole trip battery for the whole trip and the way back. So what's next? Yeah, this is different.