Audiobook #2 (Fiction) -- Desperate Pursuits



Desperate Pursuits is a riveting family drama novel. If you like flawed heroes, heart-wrenching twists, and autism pride, then you’ll love Gerald Turning Jr.’s inspiring tale.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
swim, fun water. The monotone robotic voice had become as familiar to her as her husband's. I told you, sweetie. It's too cold outside to swim today, she replied, trying to keep her patients. It was the 7th time he had asked since dinner. It's winter time. She said it snows in the winter. What season do we swim in the pool? Mason tapped at his assistive communication device. He was becoming quicker and more creative with his sentences. Summertime, the gizmo answered. That's right. Summertime. Good. Using your words, she said, I'll tell you what mommy just has to finish putting away this load of laundry. Then we'll play hide and seek. Okay, it, the gizmo answered. She laughed. Yes, I'll be it. She kissed him on the forehead, then lumbered upstairs, carrying two days of laundry that overfilled the basket.