Audiobook #3 (Nonfiction) -- Fight the Powers



In Fight the Powers, Cody Cook compiles the relevant biblical data which draws connections between political power and spiritual forces, seeking to answer the question of how Christians ought to relate to the state in light of these connections.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
biblical Christianity has always understood that the demonic realm exists and that it impacts the physical realm in american evangelical Christianity. There has even been acceptance of the idea that satan was in some sense, behind the scenes of particularly authoritarian and despicable governance Like Hitler's 3rd Reich, or Stalin's Russia. But the scriptures go much further on the subject of the demonic and the state than to merely target the occasional desperate as demonically influenced. What is the State? Is it a divinely ordained tool for justice? A weapon in the hands of demonic forces? Both for many american evangelicals, it is taken as a given that state policy is to be crafted with the mindset that America was and is meant to be a christian nation chosen by God to do great things. In contrast, the christian scriptures seem to present a different vision of the state, a vision where the state is at this present time under the influence of hostile spiritual forces, which make a complete union of church and nation both impossible and immoral. But if this is so, how should christians relate to political power? Would it be appropriate to vote to lobby for policy or to serve in the military? In the following pages, I hope to outline biblical data, which posits a close connection between political and demonic power for those who take scripture seriously. These data should provide a foundation for the models. We develop of church and state relations, which is the subject of the second part of this present volume. For those who don't. I hope you will nevertheless be intrigued by this fascinating though often ignored, picture of power as presented in scripture.