Guy next door commercial demo reel

Profile photo for Bryson Petersen
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Bryson Petersen voicing several commercial ad samples for radio, television, or online ads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What are your mornings taste like? The mash up is a voice activated blender that lifts off smoothie ingredients. You can kick start your day with a nutritious burst of flavor when you're ready, just ask it to mash up Now. What do your mornings taste like? You used to dream about the future now you're living in it. The wave front is an all electric vehicle that makes driving cleaner safer and faster equipped with cutting edge sensors and a sleek new shape. The wavefront truly represents a breakthrough in modern driving life. Short drive fast time. It's what matters most this holiday season, wishing you a happy holiday season filled with time well spent from your friends at celestial watches. Make every moment count charlie, stay dreaming about his future, sitting at the breakfast table without even looking at his porridge. But don't be sad, help charlie by joining the We all belong movement and help him join his school today. You can help hundreds of kids get access to quality education and help make their dreams a reality visit dream Big dot com to join the We all belong initiative and help a child like charlie today