Business Tech Explainer in conversational, neutral British accent

Profile photo for Rita Pattni
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


This sample showcases a conversational but confident tone, useful for business, new technologies, professional, corporate and financial explainers but also portrays a down to earth modern female, working mother, girl next door, entrepreneur and is lighthearted but with professional content.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the 21st century has changed the way we organise our lives. We use technology to track how long we've slept, how many steps we've taken and a million milestones in between. From when to pick up Timmy's birthday cake to win, the next report is due. So why do our personal and professional goals still feels so out of reach? We've never been so measured or so burnt out. Still hiding money under your mattress. Contrary to popular belief, investing your financial assets in a government savings bond can help your money grow. Our team of professionals at global transact, house and home will raise and nurture your investments as if they were their very own trust our experts to take care of your hard earned money and make it work for you.