Videogames - Fairy Character

Profile photo for Rita Pattni
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A female fairy who has lost her wand in the dark woods. Although a powerful fairy, she clearly lacks confidence. Her mission is to locate her wand, by making her way through the dense woods, avoiding werewolves and mean enchanted creatures. Without a wand, she is left to use fairyland incantations and potions from her purple pouch to protect herself.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I knew I shouldn't have flown so recklessly. Now, where can my unicorn hair? One day, Professor Wilkins will call me careless again. I have to find it. I just have to. I have never been without my fairy magic. Oh, this is my West nightmare. But you, which is state across the wondrous words and everything will be fine. I can do it. The's potions will certainly help protect myself. I am glad I listened to Mrs Quibble and kept these. Perhaps I should drink some of the defence potion that ought to keep me safe for a few hours.