Commercials from Podcast - Norman P. Blank

Radio Ad


From upcoming podcast, Norman P. Blank - attorney

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Tonight's episode is brought to you by brimstone cigarettes. Excuse me, Sherry, you've got light. There you go. Say. Are those brimstone cigarettes? Yes, just one puff and brimstone cigarettes. The only cigarette guaranteed to send you straight to ****. Has this ever happened to you? Say? What's going on? It's the end of the world. Might the apocalypse you don't say? Well, it's a good thing. I'm wearing my catastrophe catastrophic. The tie for any apocalypse. Just because God gave up on man doesn't mean you should give up on fashion. This polyester blend comes informed, beautiful colors, Ragnarok red, Armageddon, amber, pompeii, purple and blue. Find it wherever fine ties are sold. What is it? The enigma? What is it for? The enigma? And where did it come from? Add confusion to your day with the enigma guaranteed to befuddle, bemused and break your mind.