Web Explainer & Ads Reel - Approachable, helpful, honest, upbeat

Online Ad


Samples that showcase many ways that your marketing content can be used to advertise as sales content for use on your company's website, social media channels, and direct marketing efforts.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
questions along the way. No problem, collaborate with your bookkeeper using one way video chat and screen share guaranteed accuracy means you have the information you need to make smart business decisions and when tax time comes around you're prepared, we know so much more now about our health and well being. More people understand that air quality is part of that. People know that air indoors can be more polluted than the air outdoors that small particles like allergens, dust, pet dander bacteria and viruses are inside our homes where we want to feel safe, where we want to breathe air that's fresh and clean. We've developed total air quality solutions that help improve indoor air by taking out the bad and letting the good flow through. Great things happen when you focus on what your business does. Best get CT suite and free yourself to flourish. Best buy is a story of change kind of what you'd expect from a company born out of a tornado. True story And while our 55 year history has more change than you can stuff into a four minute company history video last year brought us to a whole new level change wise. Want to cut out the dreaded one word opener, just set your message length and get quality messages, connect with the right people who want to really know you, here's to better dates because taste is a result of the journey that carrot took to get to your mouth. Carrot was born from an independently cultivated seed at a local organic farm, tended to by independent farmers in a complex sustainable ecosystem and nurtured by rich, nutritious soil full of biodiverse microorganisms that house worms that naturally aerate the soil that push up happy grass that's grazed on by happy animals, that poop, happy, nutritious poop back onto the soil all around carrot.