Battle Of Chir River



as a documentary person

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The battle of Cheri is well known as a defensive battle of mobile defense fought between the German and the Soviet ***** from seven December until 22 December 1942 at the Cheri west of the Stalingrad during World War two, implementing the brilliant tactics of mobile defense of the German weak positions despite a numerically superior. Soviet attacker provides valuable lesson for the current military and remains one of the greatest divisional tank victories in history at the Satana Auditorium of the Army Academy with rape recorded invited our heroes, major general Herman Bak, commander of the 11 Panzer division together with his right men. Major we kits operation officer to share their experience on their involvement in the battle of Cheri and the success factors that lead them to successfully defeat the Soviet army in the battle. Without further ado we present our heroes live on the history channel.