Audiobook - Memoir (amusing)

Profile photo for Carla Emmons
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Humor, quirkiness and authenticity.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Tina fey once said being a mom has made me so tired and so happy. I know what you're thinking out of all of the philosophical and meaningful quotes that exist on the topic of motherhood. I chose to open this book with the wise old words of Tina fey. Pretty deep stuff that quote, very much like motherhood itself, may be modest, but it is certainly powerful. It speaks truth to the soul, though we may not know Tina fey. On a personal level, we can all appreciate her successful career, built on a foundation of wholehearted honesty. So let's take some inspiration from Tina and use it to cut out some of the ******** surrounding motherhood. Let's talk about the true realities of becoming a mother. It is hard, it is exhausting. Is it wonderful abso freaking lutely. It's the single most rewarding experience of my life. Hands down. Is it the best thing that has ever happened to me without question? Is it challenging to say the least messy yup. Life changing? Well, that's an understatement. I'm a registered nurse that holds my master's in nursing and have devoted my career as a nurse to the specialty of maternity. When I had my first child mateo, I felt as though there was no better way to enter into motherhood than to have the knowledge and training that I had my career helped me immensely. I was a maven at changing diapers, had a pretty respectable understanding about breastfeeding and could bathe a baby like nobody's business, but then I became a mother. I started feeling anxious. The relationship with my husband took a turn. I didn't recognize my own body. I missed my extra bubbly self at social events. I didn't have the energy or the same patience for the nonsense I always seem to manage before having a child. My house wasn't always ready to be on the cover of Martha Stewart Living magazine because this was something I thought could happen at any given moment before becoming a mother. My dog became a third class citizen and my husband didn't seem to ever have clean underwear folded neatly in his drawer anymore on top of it all. No matter how I was feeling on any given day, it was as if I was constantly reminding myself that my old life was gone forever and there was a no return policy on the life I had traded it in for before having a baby. I had a very clear idea of how motherhood would look on me. It was also very simple. I would continue to be the exact same person as before. That's it. How hard could it be