Character Role of Osman in African Accent



Museum character in general African accent.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


African (General) Nigerian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I do a lot of jobs here at Stratford. When ships come up the river, I unload the goods. The river is a busy place. We always ship out tobacco, and we use the rolling role to get the hog's heads down to the port. I am building a ship to at the river. I think about what that ship will be used for. What are my hands building? I was born to the food a kingdom and sold after I was kidnapped. As a young child, I speak three languages, Arabic and well off. And now English. My homeland has great rivers and history. When my ancestors were about long before I was born, my land was home to Mansa Musa, one of the most wealthy rulers in the world. South of my home is Timbuktu, an ancient centre of learning. My work here at Stratford is nothing like my life at home. I was a student. I attended a mosque. I had my family. I have made friends here with others who come from different parts of Africa. We learn to live as slaves. We work, but at night we take time, tell stories of home. Remember our families. We cook new food in old ways. Every time I go to the river to load the boat, I think of my ancestors and my family. I left across the waters. Maybe the water or that boat I am building will bring me home one day.