English TV Narration with smooth, warm and inviting tones.



A voice confident enough to command a room and inviting enough to make anyone feel like they’re the only one listening. Carman Wilson is an award-winning voice actor with natural talent and a vibrant spirit that’s sure to draw audience’s in. Welcoming, no nonsense, and versatile enough to impress.

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Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In 19 06, legendary American explorer Robert Perry returned from an unsuccessful attempt to reach the North pole with an astonishing revelation, he had discovered a new continent, a giant island floating in the middle of the polar sea. There was only one problem it didn't exist tonight. Historian David Wilkie unravels, the strange story of one of the world's greatest discoveries that never was. There were rednecks and then there was Jerry with an actual twig hanging from his mouth, wearing a tank top and carrying a banjo. Jerry looked like something straight out of deliverance. Things just officially got weird, but he wasn't here for romance. He was here for dinner. Either way, the patrons of Bob's pick your own pig were about to hear some squealing Wayne Gandy was known to be a stubborn man and I will have not a fan of the government. He repeatedly found himself at odds with the city council in this small Kentucky town and had been fighting them for years over zoning permission to build a new barn on his property, but no one expected. This was it really possible that a local prank had killed three men over a building permit. Today's episode pits the Harris family of four with decades of accumulated clutter against the sales family who are in it to win it with three daughters and piles of inherited stuff. Let's get with each team getting help from the delaney sisters. They now only have 48 hours to see who can make the most cash from their trash. Let's see who will win the ultimate neighborhood showdown on garage sale gyms in some ways, possums have it easy in order to fake their own death. They don't have to fax anyone, a death certificate, choose a country to hide in or look over their hairy shoulders for insurance investigators. These critters just lie there with their tongues hanging out sometimes for hours, effectively, convincing potential predators they can find a much fresher meal elsewhere.