Catherine Luciani Narration Demo 2

Video Narration


Voice: Young Female
Styles: Upbeat, bright, warm, energetic, youthful, natural, friendly, girl next door, playful, confident, hip, edgy, casual, articulate.

Clients included:
LiveliPlanner, Credit Union 1 Alaska, Brock University, Linenspa, ASUS, UserTesting, Chipotle

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
meet lively planner, Your best friend for managing all of your ship. We know you have a lot going on, and you need one place to keep everything straight. That's what lively planner is here for. If you could be anything, what would you be? Education is empowering, uplifting. It's a chance to discover who you are and who you want to be. We want to see our members, whether first generation graduates to be or returning students pursue their potential and make a big impact in the biggest state. Those who apply today will be the leaders of tomorrow. The digital world is full. It is loaded. We live and breathe, buy and sell, eat, sleep and even dream content unless you are completely unplugged. How we communicate, create and consume continues to evolve now faster than ever. But do we understand media messages? More importantly, how do we make sense of them? How do we arrive at meaning? It's that time of year again, The most exhausting time of the year Gift. The perfect piece of comfort to those you love After you try them all for yourself, Of course, holidays happened. Sleep them off. It's time to break from the routine break convention. Break the Internet break out of yourself when you make your break. Having the right tool is everything. So you break out and power on with a Suzanne book. Asus Zen Book Laptops Break out and power on. Finally, there's an easy way to watch people use your APP, product or service. User testing lets you see the experience through the customer's eyes by watching what they do while hearing why they do it. You can select from a global network of participants. You specify exactly the type of person you're looking for, and we find them for you. User testing Real human Insight Yeah, and Chipotle saw an opening. We produced a series of big moments to cement ourselves into the hearts and phones of Gen Z while they were home for the summer. How exactly do we do it? Well, the opportunity sort of came to us, and since we needed a bowl to even participate, we had our top digital sales day ever. Next we created our very own guac dance for National Avocado Day, partnering with the legendary doctor Jean. Actually, let's watch this. It's pretty great