An emotional call to all Americans to rise above the political fray.



Amidst the trauma of conflict and crisis, this group softly asks other Americans to rise above the divisive politics of today and return to a calm, ordered society.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What is America's destiny is America's destiny to cease becoming the land of liberty. Falling further into anarchy and ruin for is America's destiny to become something even better than we've ever seen off the shining city on a hill. What do you believe America should be for your Children and your Children's Children? What will determine America's destiny way people or politics and parties regarding politics? Ask yourself, Do you believe politics is uniting us? We're dividing us. Do you believe politics in its current condition has the ability to unite us? And finally, do you believe we, the people, would be better off if we put patriotism above politics?