Voice Demo October 2020

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This demo showcases my lower modern read, an upbeat jokey read (vasectomy commercial), and an old time announcer sound.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian - West) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, I'm Chad from Saskatchewan, Canada. Thanks for listening to my demo. You are gonna listen to it right? These days. When you get out of bed, you're at the office. But don't sport those wrinkled PJ's all day. It's your home office, but the key word is office. So dress for the office in business casual from Colin O'Brien. You'll be looking your best because you're dressed for the office. It's a sensitive topic. No, it's a sensitive area. Look at these pictures I found online. You You don't want that going on down there. No, no, no times have changed. There's a better, less painful way to get a vasectomy. Go to gentle procedures. Saskatchewan dot c a game Day Central's Brought to You by Burger King. Number 15. The big foam finger. It's just like your normal finger, but bigger and made a foam. See, that was fun. Not like not like Disneyland fun or we're like crazy party fun. You know, it's like demo fun