Charles Woodson Parker Narration Demo



A demo created at Edge Studios NY after my VO training. Shows off my narration skills as well as some word material.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Kawai is a popular spot for saltwater anglers. Marlon, Ah, he, Onal and Aku are found in abundance. OFK allies South and East coasts Charters are also available for giant tuna off the coast of Ni Hao. Mozart's music stands as an archetypal example of the classical style. His work spanned the period that was transformed from the style gallant toe, one that began to incorporate Contra Pontell complexities of the late Baroque. Place the mother board over the case and find out where the holes match up. If the corresponding hole in the cases threaded screw in a brass mount. If it's a slot, use a nylon spacer instead. Being responsible cat owner involves more than devotion and love. It also requires proper cat care. That's why Purina is dedicated to delivering the knowledge and expertise that helps enrich our cats. Lives toe. Learn more, please click here. The brilliantly banded sea crates live an amphibious lifestyle. They forage in the ocean but returned toe land to digest prey and made. Because of this dual lifestyle, biologists study see crates to shed light on how this transition evolves