Audiobook Narration for a Childrens’ Fantasy Story

Profile photo for Tim Chessman
Not Yet Rated


This is a sample of an audiobook recording featuring multiple characters and a narrator, set in a fantasy world and appealing to children.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Peter was large but remarkably agile for a tortoise that was almost 850 years old. His legs were sturdy, rugged and covered with tight patterns of thick, oval and ob long scales. His claws were long and curved and provided sure footing up the winding trail. His enormous shell looked as if it were made of stone. All eyes of those who would come to Lookout Point were fixed upon him as he made his way to the top of the bluff. Slowly but with clear determination. Brothers and Sisters of the Sky Alliance. My heart has lifted by seeing you all here. I only wish it was under brighter circumstances. I'll disown has found in Unearth the Death Stone and has again been using it to build his army. And now he has attacked our king and queen. It has fallen to us to mount a defiant and spirited resistance