Core and Context - Geoffrey Morre

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Video Narration


Business text book sample.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


German North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
innovation in and off itself has no value. It creates value when it results in either sustainable competitive advantage for you, neutralization off a competitors, competitive advantage or increased productivity within the status quo. By these standards, most innovations failed to create returns. They do make improvements, but not so great is to create sustainable competitive advantage. Customers are grateful for them but will not pay premiums to get them. As a result, the innovation budget is spent, but there is no economic return. Companies complain that they have to do this to stay in business. But the truth is, if all they want to do is make improvements but not create sustainable competitive advantage, they would succeed with much less focus on new features and functions. They could focus on the innovation instead off productivity improvements.