Things to do in Dubai

Profile photo for Chitvan Sobti
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Video Narration


This short demo gives you valuable insights about things to do in Dubai

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
things to do in Dubai, the oil city of elegance as well as opulence is quickly becoming certainly not the world's most effective economic centre. Just astonishing muscle destination. The numerous Brandon you encounters to required from Dubai on particularly, well, what invention? Other desserts for adventures that happened to be a unique approach to score lasers and settling tobe a sand skiing is yet another high speed activity. There is not yet for the faint hearted. It relates to putting on something akin to a snowboard and also hurling yourself down the side ofthe among the substantial dunes out of the way. The way is well known for its wide range of shops, more than less markets there. Therefore, it may come as no real surprise the Emirates Amul shopping Festival. All right, there's a huge draw for local people and also only make us equally. The waist packed with additional attraction and activities would unwind on the biggest nation. Go on excursion off the emirate spot. It's all magnificent hotels or perhaps handle for a bargain at the cold soup. If you choose to cheque our base tradition as well as hurted, you could absorb an exhibition at the museum at Alpha heavy food that's been spouting museum or even the knife put on museum. Thanks