Tres Agaves Tequila Tour
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Senior (55+)Accents
North American (General) Spanish (General)Transcript
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Welcome back. Um, yours. This is our final installment. Get yourself with tequila and let's jump right in its being quite a journey for our dormers guy. And as they learn the ins and outs of tequila, Theo end their final day with vehicular Pouncey's sharing with some of the most help momentos are wrong. The tree. Not sure how to dive deeper into tequila. Don't worry. Um, you There are many resources available to you, including all the past episodes in the Dresser Gavin's website, where you can learn about new cutter recipes. And if you really want to learn more about tequila, sign up for a dress. I got his tour of the tequila region and discover it all for yourself. Okay, I hope to see you down here in the Gila town until next time.