Fusion Kingdom - Theme Park Style

Radio Ad


This fauxmercial created for a tech podcast is in the style of an epic theme park commercial. The majestic music and voice to match brings all the sweetness and excitement one can muster!

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
coming soon to the Adobe Studios Resort in Orlando, a brand new theme park experience for the entire coding. Family. Adobes. Fusion Kingdom Your journey begins on a scenic ferryboat ride across the majestic CFC's The Food. Next, you'll take a magical stroll through the Enchanted a lair forest. Once inside the Fusion kingdom, your true adventure begins. Enjoy popular roller coasters like the De Hoop Cash Mountain and the futuristic suppress White Space Mountain. And be sure not to miss the dazzling splendor of Thunder Mountain, where you will bolt like Zeus down the mystic Merrimac River through a stormy blizzard, dodging scorpions while being chased by a center who knows what else may develop before your ride is over. For more family friendly fun, experience the many different settings in the adventures of neo and friends, or enjoy classic attractions like the carousel of Progress bars. If you're hungry, you can dine in an award winning restaurant like the Spaghetti Code Cafe or try the retro chic Macaroni Media restaurant. As Night Falls, the fusion kingdom comes alive with the glowing pageantry of the Spectra Magic Parade, followed by adobes, world famous fireworks as you exit the park don't forget to preserve those memories by picking up a hat T shirt. Or you can put your name on your very own fusion kingdom. Custom tag, Great times and precious memories at Adobes Fusion Kingdom, where the action is always unscripted, unless you want it to be. Construction Infusion Kingdom is slated to begin soon upon completion of Adobe's photo shop here. Acrobat Adventure Illustrator, Island Flash, Fantasy Island, Premier Park, Dreamweaver Farms, Aftereffects Experience, Audition Alley Muse, Magic in Design, Dominion and Creative Cloud Land.